Evolution of societies from hunting to post-industrial


Understanding the evolution of Societies has developed in millions of years, and through different stages that have shaped human civilization. From hunting to the post-industrial era. Each stage of society represents a significant and important performance in human social organization and technological advancement. Here are the five stages of societies and how a human civilization develops. societies had different living standards in the past and they had different understandings of each other they used different types of tools for hunting and agriculture and with time human mind developed they invented machines for production and after that introduced advanced inventions like information technology and electronic devices.

 Definition of society

Society people who are interested in a defined territory and share a culture. Some sociologists and philosophers define society below.

1.       According to Gerhard Lenski; (Society is defined by technology)

Understanding the evolution of societies up to post-industrial society tools and technology are very important for the survival of life in the world in this era technology is very important for human beings technology invention is due to social change or the different phases of societies as a passage of time the societies are upgrade their living standards we can study this development in this article. How the societies developed and what factors are happening that societies change their phase upward development after the industrial revelation Societies developed very fast in some decades of the Industrial Revolution every stage of societies is different from each others industrial societies invented the telephone for communication and post-industrial society invented mobile phone and smart devices for communication.

2.       According to Karl Marx; (society is defined by social conflict)

 Understanding the evolution of societies has many conflicts in the past. due to conflict, many changes have occurred in the history of human civilization e.g. the Industrial Revolution also caused the conflict of division of labor. Due to social conflict, social change emerges. Social change means economic change, political change, and cultural change in societies. The conflict is also between ideologies like male dominancy, gender segregation, and feminism, and even from a sociological perspective functionalism, conflict, and symbolism three perspectives have an ideological conflict with each other. So we can study over all the societies the conflicts are occurring in every field of life. like in Offices, forces, politics, and other structures of societies.

3.       According to Emile Durkheim;(society is defined by type of solidarity)

Understanding the evolution of societies from hunting to the post-industrial era solidarity can play an important role in each and every phase of society. If we can study ancient societies they are in social solidarity they are hunting and gathering food. in the present phase of society, the function of five institutions is very important because if the institution cannot work properly the society dis-function. Emile Durkheim compared the human body with a social institution if any part of the body cannot work properly the human body's function is disturbed like one of the social institutions imbalanced due to this dysfunction the solidarity is affected. So the function of all institutions is important in modern societies' development.  

Types of Societies

1; Hunting and gathering     2; horticultural societies   3; Agricultural societies

4; Industrial Societies   5; Post-industrial Societies

Types of societies

Hunting and Gathering Societies: Understanding the Evolution of Societies

In the simplest of all societies, people live by hunting and gathering making use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetables for food. From the time that our species appeared 3 million years ago until about 12000 years ago all humans were hunter and gathers. Even in 1800 many hunting and gathering societies, could be found around the world. Today mostly hunter and gather societies in Africa, Canada, and India. Hunting and gathering societies have a dozen members. Women gather vegetation which provides most of the food and men take on the less certain job of hunting. The men protect the children and women from dangerous animals. The shelter of hunters and gathers is caves and the forest.


 understanding the evolution of Horticultural Societies:  

 Some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago a new technology began to change the lives of human beings. people developed horticulture, the use of simple tools to raise crops. The first humans to plant gardens lived in fertile regions of the Middle East. Cultural diffusion spread this knowledge to America and Asia and eventually all over the world. Most likely adopted pastoralism the domestication of animals. They domesticate animals permanently they use these animals for their survival they use animals for food they use their meat and make clothes for washing.

  understanding the evolution of Agricultural Societies 

About 5,000 years ago another revolution in technology was taking place in the middle east. This was the emergence of agriculture large-scale cultivation using plows harnessed to animals or more powerful energy sources. The period including irrigation of the wheel, writing, number, and the use of various metals that this moment in history is often called the ‘’dawn of civilization. ‘using animal-drawn plows farmers could cultivate fields far bigger than the garden-sized plots planted by horticulturalists.

Understanding the Evolution of Industrial Societies:

Industrialism, which first took hold in the rich Nations of today’s world, is the production of goods using advanced sources of energy to drive large machinery. Around 1750 people turned to power and then steam boilers to operate mills and factories filled with larger and larger machines. After the revolution of industries, the living slandered of a human have changed due to the invention of technology in the industries and the life of humans is effortless. Industrial societies make engines for cars, fans, bulbs, mirrors, and daily life products and goads for human beings.

Understanding the Evolution of Post-Industrial Societies

Many industrial societies, including the United States, have now entered a new phase of technology development. Post-industrial society's production relies on computers and other electronic devices that create processes, store, and apply information-based skills, and carry out their work on their computers and another form of high-technology communication. Post-industrial society; Is most evident in rich nations new information affects all the people of the world. The post-industrial societies are in core countries that run the world they make a product and technology for all over the world even semi-periphery and periphery countries.



The evolution of societies has a different importance in the past and present to the development of human civilization from hunter to post-industrial era. Human development continuously after the Industrial Revolution and ancient societies are the backbone of modern communities because ancient societies struggle for the development of human civilization. We can see above that societies have taken many years to change from one society to another society it is time taken process but after the Industrial Revolution societies changed faster as compared to past societies and when the societies change their structure the societies develop and its impacts in all over the world due to the cultural diffusion and the modern information technology and new invention. From 100 to 200 years ago, industrial societies had faster conversion into post-industrial societies because of the development of technology and the post-industrial phase pushed forward very fast into a new phase of development societies it takes 50 years almost we are into a new phase of societies in future.